We are UAP BRAZIL, a group of brazilian researchers united with the main goal to
Disclosure UAP Cases in Brazil

Acre, 2014 - Official Brazilian Government Documents
Close encounters between UAPs and Ashaninka Indigenous Tribes, State of Acre
Cláudio, 2008 - Official Brazilian Government Documents
Police officers chasing UAPs and luminous beings in the city of Cláudio, State of Minas Gerais
Itatira, 2008 - COMING SOON
Population panicked by the daily incursion of UAPs in the city of Itatira, State of Ceará
Varginha, 1996 - COMING SOON
Sighting of UAPs and beings in the city of Varginha, State of Minas Gerais
Chupa Cabra, 1990's - COMING SOON
Mysterious mutilations of animals and sightings of UAPs and beings in several cities in Brazil
Official Brazilian UFO Night, 1986 - COMING SOON
Invasion of Brazilian airspace by several UAPs that were pursued by air force fighters in several cities in Brazil
Colares, 1977 - COMING SOON
Population in panic due to daily attacks of UAPs in several locations, mainly in the city of Colares, State of Pará
Barroso, 1976 - COMING SOON
Luis Fernandes Barroso suffered a mental regression after being hit by a UAP in the city of Quixadá, State of Ceará
Bebedouro, 1969 - COMING SOON
José Antônio da Silva was allegedly abducted by beings who left a UAP landed in the city of Matozinho, State of São Paulo
Maria Cintra, 1968 - COMING SOON
Maria José Cintra allegedly had contact with a being who came out of an UAP landed in the city of Lins, State of São Paulo
Inácio de Souza, 1967 - COMING SOON
Inácio de Souza was hit by beings who left an UAP landed in the city of Crixás, State of Goiás
Trindade, 1958 - COMING SOON
Ubatuba, 1957 - COMING SOON
Several people watched a UAP descend rapidly from the sky, maneuver over Toninhas Beach and later explode in the city of Ubatuba, State of São Paulo
Vilas Boas, 1957 - COMING SOON
Antonio Villas Boas was allegedly abducted by an UAP in the city of São Francisco de Sales, State of Minas Gerais
João Prestes Filho, 1946 - COMINGO SOON
João Prestes Filho had his body completely burned after being hit by an UAP in the city of Araçariguama, State of São Paulo